


#00093/Greeting Card (4.5" 6.25") - Blank

A way of reminding all of your friends who are "blessed" with children that, for $2.98, they could have had the washable, lovable, unbreakable, wetting, cooing, drinking Cuddly Baby.  How many of those "blessed" parents can say their kids are unbreakable?  None of them.  For that matter, when was the last time their little "blessing" emitted a coo?  Never.  On the other hand, how many Cuddly Babies turn into sullen, hormonal teenagers?   Zero.  And do you ever see Cuddly Babies needing $20,000 a year for college educations they'll never thank you for?  No way.  Once you lay out the facts, your friends will realize the horrible mistake they've made.  Don't be surprised if, after taking one look at Cuddly Baby and all of its various features, the new mom shrieks, "You mean I could have just bought a goddamn doll?"

Put this cuddly baby in my cart!